Friday, June 15, 2012

Journey of a Healer

My journey to becoming a holistic healer is a long and interesting one.  Here is my story. 

In a way this goes back to one of the most difficult experiences of my life: losing my dear friend Shawna.   Shawna passed away in 2005. Since then Shawna has been near at time.  The winter of 2008-2009 was one of those times.  

Late in 2008 I reconnected with Shawna's sister Cherie via facebook.  Cherie is a former Mrs. Utah and does a lot of excellent work with women, including image consulting and pageant coaching.  I experienced a lot of this type of knowledge in my teen years, but was not really pertinent to my life at this time.  Cherie was planning a seminar for women.  I got the vibe that it was a class about dressing for your own success, including hair, make-up, color, style etc.  Though this was so not what I thought I wanted or needed  at this point in my life I felt very compelled to attend.  I just knew that Shawna wanted me there.  Cherie knew it too.  So with some trepidation I signed up and attended Cherie's two day seminar.

For about the first hour I was totally freaking out.  The first day opened with a discussion of chakras.  I thought something along the line of "What is this?  I am a devout Mormon girl from Utah!!  Why are they talking about this new-age mumbo-jumbo, hippy-dippy mysticism stuff?   What am I doing here!  I want truth and light not this weirdo sorcery malarkey."    I almost felt tempted to leave, but I knew Cherie enough to trust her opinion.  I knew she had a strong testimony of Jesus Christ and his Gospel. 

Not very far into the discussion Cherie spoke of the Crown Chakra and how it, being on the top of the head ties into heaven and Deity.  My mood began to shift as I opened my heart and mind to what was being presented.

As the day progressed Cherie asked many of the other women to share.  Several announced that they were "energy therapists" and spoke of how they were able to help others by tapping into the energy that is everywhere.  

It was explained that everything is energy, we are energy, thoughts are energy and so on. Those who are sensitive to the energy and in tune are able to ask for different manifestations of the energy and help people shift what energies are at work in their lives.  

I don't remember a lot of specifics.  The concept of essential oils was introduced.  One lady who presented was named Brenda Briggs.  At that time I felt a connection to Brenda and felt that I would need to get together with her at some future point. I made sure I got her contact information.

Overall everything just felt "right" and I was very intrigued by the concept of energy work.

Toward the end of the second day Cherie did spend a bit of time on hair and clothing styles and made the point that this should have been the focus of the entire seminar, but at the very last minute she felt strongly to shift the focus to energy work and related concepts.  I do remember that she brought up Shawna, but don't remember if she specifically stated that Shawna was involved in the decision to change focus.

Though I was intrigued I didn't feel strongly that this was the time to pursue anything further. 

I think it was about a year later that my Mom mentioned something about wanting to learn more about energy work.  I dug out Brenda's number and called her to set up something for  Mom.  They met once, but Brenda was in a transition phase and not really in a place to help my Mom.  However, since we had reconnected I friended her on facebook.

Meanwhile, my neighbor, Dr. Blair Hershey had learned a new energy based technique of curing allergies.  He cured my fairly newly acquired allergy to shellfish.  I was hooked!  I really wanted to learn more about energy work, but wasn't sure where to find a source to learn it, or even if I could learn to do energy work myself, but I felt compelled to look for something. 

About this time my Mom lent me a book called Remembering Wholeness by a woman named Carol Tuttle, it dealt in a way with energy work.  I found the book to be frustrating, full of false doctrine and basically a pile of hooey! 

A few months later Brenda posted something on facebook about looking for someone with access to an outdoor swimming pool.  Another friend, Melissa, lives behind me in condos with a pool.  I commented on Brenda's post that I might have a resource and I'd get back to her.  Melissa agreed to let us both swim.  Hooray!!

Brenda was just learning how to do an energy modality called foot zoning which is similar to reflexology, but more comprehensive.  She offered to zone Melissa's feet in exchange for pool time.  During the first zoning session, immediately prior to our swim, the two of them were discussing energy work and a book called The Emotion Code.  I was intrigued, but pretty fresh off my Carol Tuttle experience I was a bit skittish about some new "energy book."  Turned out that Melissa had a copy of the book which she lent to me that day.  I took it home with a healthy dose of skepticism and began to read.

I was only about 30 pages into the book when I realized that this totally resonated with me.  This book was speaking truth to my heart and soul!  I immediately got on amazon and  ordered two copies, one for me and one for my Mom, to replace that pile of doo-doo she had lent me.   

I read the book and re-read the book over the next few days.  A line from the hymn Lord I Would Follow Thee resounded in my head for many days.  "I would learn the Healer's Art, to the wounded and the weary, I would show a gentle heart." I felt like this was a message, a form of personal revelation to me, that I was supposed to learn this art of healing, I knew this hymn was not speaking of traditional western medicine.  I knew this song was speaking directly to me.

I discovered that The Emotion Code offers certification for people who want to really use this amazing energy modality to help others.  Unfortunately there was a pretty extended period of time where the certification process was being revamped and therefore unavailable.  

Early this year it became obvious that my job was not going to continue long term.  This was upsetting on many levels, but definitely cleared a path for me to spend more time and focus on learning and certifying in Emotion Code and later the much more extensive Body Code.  

Now, Brenda is one of my closest friends and mentors.  She is helping me on this path and giving me new insights and tools to use for healing.  We have teamed up a few times to heal others, as well as taking turns working with one another.  Melissa also continues to be supportive and helpful in my journey. 

I truly feel I was lead to this work.  That this is an important part of my life path.  That I am truly meant to be a healer, not a physician, but one who helps heal others on a deeper  level.

I cannot conclude without stating unequivocally that I am not really the one doing this work.  I know that all true healing comes from the Atonement of Jesus Christ.  I am as Brenda says, "just the hands that show up."  The glory and credit goes to the Savior!! 

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